Through dedication and perseverance, I was humbled to learn that I had earned an Individual Bronze MLS Award (Top 10% of Agents in Winnipeg) and a Royal LePage Master Sales Achievement, for my work this past year. Here are some pictures of the gala events.
Proposed Tax Changes Target You
I received an important letter today from Mr. Ploegman (CPA, CA, Fort Group) detailing proposed tax policy changes that affect small business in Canada.
As many of you will be affected by these new changes, I urge you to please read the letter below and contact your MP about extending the consultation period.
Looking for a Great Canadian City? Try Winnipeg.
Article after article online highlight the issues that Canadian cities like Toronto and Vancouver face in terms of expenses for young people. In fact, a recent article written by Vice recently explained how “[i]n order to live a fairly fun, condo-saving life in Toronto, you need to make between $88,000 and $115,000" Easy peasy, right?